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Peoples-Terrell Group
30's - 40's, Women Only, Everyone
Monday @ 6:00 PM
Hi! My name is Elshunta Peoples-Terrell, a busy mom of 4 (really 5, counting my Godson), happily married for over 11 years. I work full-time in the finance/mortgage industry, where I have the honor of practicing servant leadership with my team, at home, and in the community. By day, I'm an extrovert; but after 6 PM, I find peace in being an introvert. Blessed to be called daughter by the big guy upstairs, I’m always striving to grow in faith, knowledge, and intimacy with God. Over the past 8 years, through life experiences of loss, illness, and beyond, God’s grace, mercy, and love have become ever more evident in my life. I’m excited to connect with fellow believers who are passionate about meaningful discussions and building strong connections!
El Peoples-Terrell