Group Registration

Moms Group

  • Women Only
  • Thursday @ 4:30 PM
  • Child Care/Kids Welcome
  • Sterling Heights (Hall & Schoenherr)
  • A year ago we both signed up to join a mom small group and it changed our lives. It not only helped our relationship with Christ, but we became best friends and so did our families! Our group will meet at 4:30pm every Thursday at Heritage church in the kids room! It will be a safe place to relax, have some snacks, dive deeper into your faith and watch your kid(s) play and make friends. And shortly after our group ends on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month young adults meets where they have childcare! Our hope is to build a community of moms to help nurture and grow their families faith, make friends, and to help share the gospel. We can’t wait to meet you and your littles!


  • Sarah Skipinski
  • Kaley Swink